87 results found for: spiritual path

Tool Kit

Tool Kit icon With everything that is happening around the world, I want to provide you with a Tool Kit to help you get through this […]

Upcoming Events

Propel your path forward! Group Events with Sivan Group events provide a dynamic, enriching platform to experience Sivan’s teachings of growth, healing, and transformation.Heading + desccenterno-repeat;center […]

Finding Powerful Questions

Sivan discusses the concept of learning the art of asking the questions that will help you get in touch with the deepest part of yourself.

Spiritual Toolbox

Sivan reveals the 4 areas of the path and explains how you can create your own spiritual toolbox to keep you on track.

woman in the mountains

Connection with the Divine

What is really happening when we feel completely alone or feel unable to move further on our path? Sivan explains this and how we can connect to the divine in these moments.

Tool Kit
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