52 results found for: strength

birds flying

Regain Your Awareness

Learn tools that can help you regain your awareness and uncover the blankets of unconsciousness. Sivan covers how we can do this and how a chain reaction occurs when we begin to open our hearts. Gain inner strength and agility in order to assist your awakening!

The Most Effective Practice for Awakening

Developing the observer within is a key practice for heightening our awareness and experiencing permanent spiritual healing. Learn the role of the observer in our lives and how to use it in a way that fuels our path. Direct your thoughts in a positive direction and begin to observe the heart. It takes only one-minute a day of this practice for powerful results.

Create a Positive Self-Image

Building a positive self-image is vital to support your path transformation and your well-being. Deepen your understanding of your self-perception and how important it is to have a strong sense of self. Learn to give yourself positive feedback in a way that shifts your self-perception to a good place.

Forge Your Own Direction

Find out how you can reforge your inside focus of who you are and why you are on a path. Sivan explains what it means when you feel stuck or frustrated on your path. Learn who you truly are as you move into your heart. Live in harmony with others by creating a constant behavior of kindness to yourself. Discover how you can do this and change the messages you are giving yourself.

Shift Towards Positivity
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