The Spin Cycle

“Why is this happening to me again?”
“What am I not getting?”
Many people tell me that they have repeating cycles in their lives. Either repeating uncomfortable situations or the return of past relationship problems. Or something sudden such as getting fired from a job without understanding why.
The repetition of uncomfortable situations does not always happen because you did not learn your lesson. Sometimes it happens because this particular situation has been a motivating factor for you to move forward in life and evolve.
We are predisposed to comfort. In that comfort, we find it too easy to sit back and relax. Yet, if our soul is eager to be born and we are chillin’, then most likely (or hopefully) life will generously bring us a very uncomfortable situation. A situation that demands we sit up and take notice. We cannot ignore it.
Being in that discomfort can result in us being motivated to seek change, find answers, and heal.
Many times we become stuck in ideas of what we think is happening. I say:
Challenge yourself to find a myriad of reasons why something in your life is grabbing your attention!
When you do this, you begin a practice of allowing your mind to be more flexible. Within that flexibility lies the provision for a dynamic spaciousness. This enables access to new tools for growth.
I love you all dearly!