April 2, 2014Beyond the PhysicalThere is nothing in the physical realm, in the third dimension, that can provide the inner peace that most of us so deeply seek!
October 26, 2013When One Surrenders…Magic happens when one surrenders totally to the moment they are in.
August 1, 2014Compassionate AcceptancePerfection lies in the unabashed compassionate acceptance of all that is.
February 15, 2015To Be CompassionateThe amount of courage, perseverance and strength it takes to be compassionate far outweighs the ability to go to war.
April 5, 2015On Listening…Listening with the entirety of your mind, body and soul can be one of the most powerful healing tools.
August 2, 2013What Everyone FeelsImagine everyone in the world feels like you do…EVERYONE in the world feels like you do.