May 12, 2015Trust, Surrender, Love, HumblenessContemplate these words: Trust, Surrender, Love, Humbleness, Yes… Just contemplate!
September 25, 2015Goals…When you are able to focus on the goal of enlightenment, the goal itself begins to act like a magnet and draws you towards it.
September 30, 2015On Generosity…The true deep nature of generosity is the unconditional permission for each person to experience happiness.
March 22, 2015Interconnected…We are inter-connected; and because this is true, my happiness is quite connected to yours!
March 4, 2013The Teacher’s RoleThe teacher’s role is to direct you to yourself. Your true self. Your powerful self. Your Divine Self.
August 16, 2020On Accessing Energy…There are many reasons for feeling low in energy, and yet all of us have access to more energy than we could have thought possible! I […]