August 15, 2020The Many Facets of LoveLove has many sides, voices, faces and paths. Every single one of them leads to healing. Everyone of them leads to resolution. Everyone of them leads […]
February 2, 2015Resounding IntentionI love each of you and have a deep resounding intention to spread as much love and healing as possible!
August 3, 2015Creating MiraclesEach of us, within us, has the power and the intelligence to create miracles.
November 20, 2014Time is Magical!Time is magical. You have the power to master its secrets and find yourself at the door of your own eternal moment.
December 12, 2014MeannessImagine… What if everything you think about those that are mean to you, they think about you as well? And, what if they were right? Imagine. […]