February 3, 2015The “Eyes” have itAre there rules of engagement when it comes to eye contact? Can you ‘stare’ too long? Does not looking in the eyes of another at all, […]
February 2, 2015We all have HistoryI recently posted about how we remember and describe our past. Because this has been discussed by so many people lately, I want to go into […]
January 23, 2015Egos Say the Same ThingsEgos all say the same things. Many times using the exact same language. A common ego statement is, “I need to stand up for myself!” Even […]
June 2, 2012An Act Of GenerosityHow had I gotten in this predicament? How, after 2 1/2 years of intense spiritual study, did I still find myself confronted with an absolutely dire […]
July 23, 2014You Deserve a Stunning Life!Hey Everyone! Honestly, the title of this story is a line I used for an evening workshop. I actually love the sense, feeling and implication of […]
January 7, 2017Does Life Get in the Way of Our Spiritual Path?Learn how our day-to-day lives are connected to our path. Discover what a spiritual path is and how to bring intention for growth every day.