February 12, 2015Fake it Till You Make itTry turning your responses towards the positive and see what happens! 'fake it til you make it' when choosing behavior or conversation.
February 11, 2015Funny ValentineLove your partner no matter what. Work to make your expressions of love louder and more powerful than your rejection or hurt feelings.
February 10, 2015Forgiving Without ForgettingThis process of forgiving ourselves and changing our memories can lead us to be exactly who we want to be, no matter what the circumstances.
February 8, 2015More on Empaths & TouchEmpaths can feel pain from others when touched by them. This can be a great topic of conversation and a movement towards healing.
February 5, 2015Empath PracticesI have decided to post several of my practices for releasing negative energy. What follows is is a very brief introductory list that I will expand […]
February 4, 2015Are You Empathic?If you experience anxiety or depression, have you ever thought that you may be picking up on or also feeling other people’s pain? Have you ever […]