77 results found for: change

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Propel your path forward! Group Events with Sivan Group events provide a dynamic, enriching platform to experience Sivan’s teachings of growth, healing, and transformation.Heading + desccenterno-repeat;center […]

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The Most Effective Practice for Awakening

Developing the observer within is a key practice for heightening our awareness and experiencing permanent spiritual healing. Learn the role of the observer in our lives and how to use it in a way that fuels our path. Direct your thoughts in a positive direction and begin to observe the heart. It takes only one-minute a day of this practice for powerful results.

Create a Positive Self-Image

Building a positive self-image is vital to support your path transformation and your well-being. Deepen your understanding of your self-perception and how important it is to have a strong sense of self. Learn to give yourself positive feedback in a way that shifts your self-perception to a good place.

You Can Create Magic in Every Moment

We are where we are supposed to be and there is magic happening wherever we are. Bring positivity to every moment you are in. Experience where you are to the fullest and make choices that will help create a more fulfilled life. Once we land consciously in the moment we are in, the door to the next part of our lives is close at hand.

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